Weight Control

Maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for overall well-being, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Ease the process of achieving and sustaining a healthy weight.

Research suggests that ear acupressure of the ear with beads may support weight loss (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eujim.2021.101402).  For sustainable weight loss it is important to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Points on this protocol are meant to help relax the nervous system and reduce cravings.

Dots Application:

For best results use one protocol at a time to give the body a clear message.

Ideally use on one ear and when removing the beads after 5 to 7 days apply to the other ear.  This ensures that the ear beads do not cause irritation to the skin (which can happen with continuous use over a given point).

Press the beads for 30 to 60 seconds several times a day to stimulate the point.

dot·on Starter Kit

Get your Starter Kit and support you way to a heathy weight using the dot·on Wight Control protocol.